REVA University Central Library is located in the heart of the
campus and housed in an independent building with a carpet area of 35,680. sq.ft. It is a
fully air-conditioned facility, well-protected with a fire alarm, CCTV, well laid out, and
aesthetically designed to make it an inviting place with an ambience that is suitable
for learning and research. The library building has provisions for both individual and
group studies making room for interaction, discussion, and quiet studies. Adequate space
is provided for browsing and relaxed reading, from 8.00 am to 12.00 midnight, providing a
mix of learning environment to meet different student aspirations and teacher needs.
The library has gone digital with various options, making access and reading easy and convenient.
Online access to a vast range of information, including electronic journals, e-books, e-question
papers, e-publications, and e-theses are available to all students, researchers and faculty
members. Also through NDL (National Digital library) & NPTEL's Video Streaming System, users can view
all programs/ courses brought out by them.
The University has implemented RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices), to provide the
easiest, fastest, and most efficient way to track, locate and manage the library materials
and as well as automatic check-in and check-out.
The Library's Vision is to provide continuous access to information to the students and faculty members of the University, and to facilitate teaching, learning and research for achieving excellence in higher education.
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The Library's Mission is to provide the best service to our users in the right way and at the right time, and to provide continuous access to information to the students and faculty members of the University to facilitate teaching, learning, and research for achieving excellence in their higher education.
Library Features
Online public access catalogue provides search facility to locate books and other materials available in the library.
Digital Library
The Central Library has 210 computers with LAN connectivity. Users can avail all the E-resource and Databases subscribed by the central library and even Open Access E-Resources can alsoF be accessed in-campus and off-campus.
Inter Library Loan
Central library arranges to borrow documents, which are not available in its collection, on inter library loan from other libraries for academic and research purpose.
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